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"Among the newer approaches to managing ADD, the most exciting is a learning process called Neurofeedback. It empowers a person to shift the way he pays attention. After more than twenty-five years of research in university labs, Neurofeedback has become more available. This is a pleasing development, because Neurofeedback has no negative side effects."
– William Sears, M.D., The A.D.D. Book, pg. 205

QEEG Neurofeedback

Neurofeedback is EEG-based biofeedback that uses a reward system to assist the brain in learning new patterns. We use a 32 channel, medical grade EEG system that allows for precision in what is measured and the brainwaves that are shifted. During a typical one-hour session, brainwaves are measured noninvasively via scalp electrodes and then fed into specialized software. This software then reads these frequencies and responds to what the brain is doing in real time. Using the concept of operant conditioning, the brain is rewarded for producing certain patterns of behavior and ignored when those desirable patterns are not produced. Over time, the brain learns to produce these new frequencies on its own without assistance, and this change is often permanent. Such changes in brainwave patterns correlate with real, positive shifts in one’s quality of life.


While neurofeedback's effectiveness has been studied since the 1970s, when given alone, it may take more time to see positive changes. For this reason, our clinical staff applies a combination of traditional neurofeedback with advanced research in newer neurostimulation technologies. In essence, these technologies work to assist the brain in reorienting itself and unlearning old patterns of behavior, while traditional neurofeedback gives reinforcement on what is learned. Research is now concluding that providing neurostimulation and neurofeedback together results in better outcomes in less time than relying on either technique alone.

Reach Out to Us!
Office Located at 5501 N Oracle Rd, Suite 101
Inside the office of Tensegrity Physical Therapy and Wellness

Call or text us: (520) 261-0448

We are in the office by appointment, but can be reached via text, email, or phone call anytime between 8 am & 8 pm Monday thru Saturday.

Feel free to give us a call at (520) 261-0448 for a consultation. 

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