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QEEG Brain Mapping

A Quantitative Electroencephalogram (or Q-EEG) measures brainwave patterns against deviations from the norm.


A QEEG report is an essential tool in understanding what is going on in your brain and is the basis for effective treatment interventions.

QEEG Brain Mapping Southern Arizona

A QEEG is a mathematic and (more precisely a) probability-based assessment tool that allows clinicians to noninvasively see how the brain is operating and study its response to visual and auditory stimulation. Our clinic uses the QEEG in correlation with other assessment tools to clearly identify brain regions to target in therapy.


QEEG brain mapping data is collected during the initial intake appointment with our clinic. In order to effectively treat any client, we always assess the data generated by the QEEG before performing any neurotherapy. We do this to ensure that what we are doing is helpful and appropriate for each individual.


The QEEG data acquisition process takes about 1.5 hours and involves the measurement of brainwave patterns that are generated both at the surface of the brain and from deeper brain structures. This completely painless and noninvasive data collection process is accomplished by way of sensitive electrodes which are attached to the scalp through the use of salt-impregnated paste.


Data collected via this process is fed back into software designed to view the brain from multiple vantage points. It is through this data that our clinicians can assess, for example, how various regions of the brain are communicating and how efficiently the brain is responding to visual and auditory cues.


To ensure that we continue to provide the most appropriate care, we collect another QEEG after every 10 therapy sessions. This allows us to clearly measure the effectiveness of our treatment and make adjustments when necessary. 

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